SK Macharia’s Royal Media Services recently conducted a massive layoff that will see about 100 employees in the broadcast division go home. Popular anchors, TerryAnne Chebet and Kirigo Ng’arua, are among the popular anchors who lost their jobs in the lay- off exercise. According to snoops, TerryAnne Chebet and Kirigo Ng’arua lost their jobs because they were receiving high salaries but their colossal wages didn’t match their productivity. Their work was just to read scripted news and nothing else. They didn’t go out to the field to gather news or come up with features and creative shows like the way Lillian Muli and Janet Mbugua do yet they were among the highest paid female anchors at Royal Media Services. So far, about 20 members of staff in the broadcast division at Royal Media Services (RMS) have already received letters informing them that their services were no longer needed. 80 more are expected to be sacked in the massive lay-off exercise.

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